While meeting some game studios, I often have the same question coming over and over: if I’m writing/porting my game in HTML5, will it run well on the various targeted devices? Will it be playable[…]
Tag: Canvas
Creating an universal virtual touch joystick working for all Touch models thanks to Hand.JS
I’m currently working on several gaming projects for modern browsers and Windows 8 Store projects. Some of them are using HTML5 as a base in order to simplify multi-devices targeting. I was then looking for[…]
Everything you need to know to build HTML5 games with Canvas & SVG
Agenda: – Canvas & SVG: 2 ways to draw on the screen – Useful libraries & tools – Some gaming frameworks – Some beginners’ tutorials – Some interesting online working games & experience feedbacks I’m[…]
Modernizing your HTML5 Canvas games Part 2: Offline API, Drag’n’drop & File API
We’ve seen in the previous article Modernizing your HTML5 Canvas games Part 1: hardware scaling & CSS3 how to use CSS3 3D Transform, Transitions & Grid Layout for a HTML5 Platformer game. We’re now going[…]
Modernizing your HTML5 Canvas games Part 1: hardware scaling & CSS3
Latest versions of the browsers start to implement stable version of very interesting HTML5 features like Offline APIs, Drag’n’drop & File APIs. Those new features offer new gaming scenarios for the web developers and bring[…]
AMDEV JavaScript: vidéos, slides et exemples de code des 4 sessions
Vous étiez un peu plus de 200 à être venus à notre centre de conférence retirer votre T-Shirt et surtout pour assister à l’après-midi du développement consacrée à JavaScript et HTML5. Merci à vous[…]
How to open a WCF RIA Services application to other type of clients: the JSON endpoint (4/5)
We’ll see here how to open the same application used in the 3 previous articles with a JSON endpoint. This new endpoint will then be used by an HTML5 application thanks to jQuery that will[…]