Vous n’avez aucune idée de l’accueil chaleureux que l’administration française réserve aux talents étrangers. J’ai eu la chance de vivre et d’accompagner une personne ayant vécu une histoire totalement hallucinante et irrespectueuse. Voici une petite[…]
4 ways to create cross-platforms apps using web technologies
We’re going to review in this article, 4 major ways to use web technologies to create cross-platforms applications. The idea is to help you decide when and how to re-use your web skills to have[…]
Using WebGL and PWA to build an adaptive game for touch, mouse and VR devices
We’ll see via this detailed tutorial how to build a cross-platforms game using an adaptive gameplay. This will allow the same web app to be played on touch screens, using a mouse or pen on[…]
L’IA et la fin du Silicium : introduction aux ordinateurs quantiques
Nous n’en avons pas conscience tous les jours mais l’industrie informatique est à l’aube d’un changement majeur : la loi de Moore, telle que nous la connaissons aujourd’hui, va s’arrêter d’ici 3 à 4 ans[…]
Tutorial: how to create 3D posts on Facebook for absolute beginners
A couple of months ago, Facebook has introduced a very cool new feature: Richer 3D Posts on Facebook and New Ways to Share. You can now share 3D content in your news feed. However, creating[…]
Babylon.js VRExperienceHelper – create fully interactive WebVR apps in 2 lines of code
A few months ago, I’ve shared the work we’ve done in Babylon.js v3.0 to create WebVR experiences: from zero to hero, creating WebVR experiences with Babylon.js on all platforms. I was quite happy of the[…]
From zero to hero, creating WebVR experiences with Babylon.js on all platforms
WebVR allows you to distribute your content to the widest audience possible, whatever the headset, whatever the platform. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build the below WebVR experience, running cross-platforms, where I’m moving[…]
Creating an extension for all browsers: Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Brave and Vivaldi
We’re going to see in this article how to create a JavaScript extension that works across all modern browsers using the very same code base. Indeed, the Chrome extension model based on HTML, CSS &[…]
2016 is the year of VR and room scale VR with HTC Vive is the ultimate experience
2016 will be the year where VR has finally landed for sure. It’s going to bring some fresh air & innovation to video games. It was about time! Everybody in the gaming industry, hardware manufacturers[…]