As the co-author of Babylon.js, a WebGL gaming engine, I was always felt a little uneasy listening to folks discuss accessibility best practices at web conferences. The content created with Babylon.js is indeed completely inaccessible[…]
Category: English
Unifying touch and mouse: how Pointer Events will make cross-browsers touch support easy
I often get questions from developers like, “with so many touch-enabled devices on phones and tablets, where do I start?” and “what is the easiest way to build for touch-input?” Short answer: “It’s complex.” Surely[…]
Testing & debugging your WebGL & HTML5 experiences on Android & Windows Phone thanks to the Visual Studio free emulators
With the recent availability of Visual Studio 2015 RTM came the free Visual Studio Emulator for Android. Let’s see how to test your WebGL experiences on these very fast Android emulators. As a reminder, I’ve[…]
Understanding collisions & physics by building a cool WebGL Babylon.js demo with Oimo.js
Through this tutorial, we’re going to learn the basics of collisions, physics & bounding boxes by playing with the WebGL Babylon.js engine and a physics engine companion named oimo.js. Here’s the demo we’re going to[…]
Enhance your JavaScript debugging life using IE11, Chrome, Opera & Firefox source map support
As a JavaScript developer, I’m sure you’ve already been falling into this scenario. Something goes wrong with the production version of your code. Debugging it directly from the production server is a nightmare. Simply because[…]
How to remotely debug and profile the performance of your HTML5 websites & apps on Windows Phone
People are often asking me this recurrent question: how do I remote debug my website/app on a Windows Phone? Let me share the various ways to do it. Since Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 and[…]
The web: the next game frontier?
PC, consoles, tablets, mobiles. But what if the next interesting move was the browser and the web as a gaming platform? The web can embrace all of these devices and can even support new types[…]
Why and how we migrated to Microsoft Azure
I’m going to tell you the impact of our recent “success story” around our WebGL open-source gaming framework, babylon.js and its official website: We’ll see how Microsoft Azure helped us to keep our site[…]
Creating a HTML5 phone, tablet & PC game using the Universal Apps project for Windows Stores
It’s definitely good to be a HTML5 developer. You can now target multiple devices & stores via the very same code base with almost no effort! We will focus on the Microsoft devices in this[…]