As a JavaScript developer, I’m sure you’ve already been falling into this scenario. Something goes wrong with the production version of your code. Debugging it directly from the production server is a nightmare. Simply because[…]
Author: David Rousset
How to remotely debug and profile the performance of your HTML5 websites & apps on Windows Phone
People are often asking me this recurrent question: how do I remote debug my website/app on a Windows Phone? Let me share the various ways to do it. Since Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 and[…]
Introduction aux APIs graphiques d’HTML5: SVG & Canvas (2/2)
Nous allons voir ici les scénarios clés d’utilisation de canvas ou SVG après avoir vu les bases dans l’article précédent. Cet article fait donc parti de cette série : 1 – les bases de SVG[…]
Introduction aux APIs graphiques d’HTML5: SVG & Canvas (1/2)
Au programme de cette série d’articles, nous allons découvrir : 1 – les bases de SVG et de Canvas 2 – les scénarios clés d’utilisation de ces 2 jeux d’APIs Ce premier article traitera donc[…]
The web: the next game frontier?
PC, consoles, tablets, mobiles. But what if the next interesting move was the browser and the web as a gaming platform? The web can embrace all of these devices and can even support new types[…]
Why and how we migrated to Microsoft Azure
I’m going to tell you the impact of our recent “success story” around our WebGL open-source gaming framework, babylon.js and its official website: We’ll see how Microsoft Azure helped us to keep our site[…]
Creating a HTML5 phone, tablet & PC game using the Universal Apps project for Windows Stores
It’s definitely good to be a HTML5 developer. You can now target multiple devices & stores via the very same code base with almost no effort! We will focus on the Microsoft devices in this[…]
Next Game Frontier 2014: videos & content
Microsoft and Samsung have co-organized the first edition of the Next Game Frontier conference, a technical web event purely dedicated to games made with web standards. The initial idea came after a discussion we had[…]
Coding4Fun tutorial: creating a 3D WebGL procedural QRCode maze with Babylon.js
In this tutorial, you should have a lot of fun. You’ll learn how to create a 3D Maze using Babylon.js/WebGL based on a dynamically generated QR Code! This is based on a demo I’ve written[…]